Kevin Anderson Memorial Fund
Kevin Anderson, the CRS Lab Director, passed away Sunday, January 16, 2022. Since 2003 he had faithfully served as the Director of the Van Andel Creation Research Center (VARC) where he sacrificially served until his death.Dr. Anderson’s importance to the Society are obvious to all who knew him.
- He was an editor for the CRSQ for ten years.
- He was one of the founders of the Creation Research Society Conference. He was the principal investigator in the IDINO and IDINOII projects.
- He also worked tirelessly to move the VACRC from Chino Valley to Glendale Arizona.
- He wrote more than 20 papers in scientific microbiology journals and presented his research nationwide and internationally.
- He was also the author of the books The Who of Creation and Echoes of the Jurassic.
By God’s grace CRS will continue forward. Praying that God will raise up many more creation researchers who can continue the legacy Dr. Kevin Anderson.
Dr. Anderson’s death was sudden and left the family with quite few medical expenses. The Society has setup the Kevin Anderson Memorial Fund to assist the family with these expenses. Would you prayerfully consider supporting the family by donating to this fund? Once all the medical expenses have been paid, the remaining funds will go to honoring Kevin’s legacy by continuing the research and other projects that he started with the Society.
Donate on our website or send memorials to our address:
Creation Research Society1 W. Firestorm Way #145Glendale, AZ 85306
Make a note that your donation is for the “Kevin Anderson Memorial Fund”.