Author Instructions

If you would like to submit a paper for review and potential publication in our journal, please review our Instructions for Authors.

Instructions for Authors


Authors are encouraged to submit an electron version of their manuscript (Word, WordPerfect, or Star-Office/OpenOffice format are acceptable) to Electronic versions of all tables and figures are also highly encouraged. Manuscripts containing more than 30 pages are discouraged. An author who determines that the topic cannot be adequately covered within this number of pages is encouraged to submit separate papers that can be serialized.

All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by two or more technical referees. However, each section editor of the Quarterly has final authority regarding the acceptance of a manuscript for publication. While some manuscripts may be accepted with little or no modification, typically editors will seek specific revisions of the manuscript before acceptance. Authors will then be asked to submit revisions based upon comments made by the referees. In these instances, authors are encouraged to submit a detailed letter explaining changes made in the revision, and, if necessary, give reasons for not incorporating specific changes suggested by the editor or reviewer. If an author believes the rejection of a manuscript was not justified, an appeal may be made to the Quarterly editor.

Authors who are unsure of proper English usage should have their manuscripts checked by someone proficient in the English language. Also, authors should endeavor to make certain the manuscript (particularly the references) conforms to the style and format of the Quarterly. Manuscripts may be rejected on the basis of poor English or lack of conformity to the proper format. The Quarterly is a journal of original writings, and only under unusual circumstances will previously published material be reprinted. Questions regarding this should be submitted to the Editor ( prior to submitting any previously published material. In addition, manuscripts submitted to the Quarterly should not be concurrently submitted to another journal. Violation of this will result in immediate rejection of the submitted manuscript. Also, if an author uses copyrighted photographs or other material, a release from the copyright holder should be submitted.

Authors can receive 10 complimentary copies of the issue containing their article. These copies must be requested before or with submission of the final galley proof (contact us at  For more than 10 copies, the author will be charged $5 an issue for the additional copies. The same charge applies if the complimentary copies are not pre-ordered.



Submitted manuscripts should have the following organizational format:

1. Title page. This page should contain the title of the manuscript, the authors name, and all relevant contact information (including mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address). If the manuscript is submitted by multiple authors, one author should serve as the corresponding author, and this should be noted on the title page.

2. Abstract page. This is page 1 of the manuscript, and should contain the article title at the top, followed by the abstract for the article. Abstracts should be between 100 and 250 words in length and present an overview of the material discussed in the article, including all major conclusions. Use of abbreviations and references in the abstract should be avoided. This page should also contain at least five key words appropriate for identifying this article via a computer search.

3. Introduction. The introduction should provide sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand the relevance and significance of the article for creation science.

4. Body of the text. Two types of headings are typically used by the CRSQ. A major heading consists of a large font bold print that is centered in column, and is used for each major change of focus or topic. A minor heading consists of a regular font bold print that is flush to the left margin, and is used following a major heading and helps to organize points within each major topic. Occasionally, underline text flush to the left margin is used as a third level of heading. Do not split words with hyphens, or use all capital letters for any words. Also, do not use bold type, except for headings (italics can be occasionally used to draw distinction to specific words, but their use should be limited).

Previously published literature should be cited using the authors last name(s) and the year of publication (ex. Smith, 2003; Smith and Jones, 2003). If the citation has more than two authors, only the first authors name should appear (ex. Smith et al., 2003). Personal communications should be cited in the manuscript text (A. Smith, 2000, personal communication), but should not appear as part of the references.

Contributing authors should examine a recent issue of the CRSQ or consult the Society’s web site for specific examples as well as a more detailed explanation of manuscript preparation. Frequently used terms can be abbreviated by placing abbreviations in parentheses following the first usage of the term in the text; for example, polyacrylamide electrophoresis (PAGE) or catastrophic plate tectonics (CPT). Only the abbreviation need be used afterward. If numerous abbreviations are used, authors should consider providing a list of abbreviations. All figures and tables should be cited in the body of the text, and be numbered in the sequential order that they appear in the text (figures and tables are numbered separately with Arabic and Roman numerals, respectively).

5. Summary. A summary paragraph(s) is often useful for readers. The summary should provide the reader an overview of the material just presented, and often helps the reader to summarize the salient points and conclusions the author has made throughout the text.

6. References. Authors should take extra measures to be certain that all references cited within the text are documented in the reference section. These references should be formatted in the current CRSQ style. (When the Quarterly appears in the references multiple times, then an abbreviation to CRSQ is acceptable.) The examples below cover the most common types of references:

Robinson, D.A., and D.P. Cavanaugh. 1998. A quantitative approach to baraminology with examples from the catarrhine primates. CRSQ 34:196-208.

Lipman, E.A., B. Schuler, O. Bakajin, and W.A. Eaton. 2003. Single-molecule measurement of protein folding kinetics. Science 301:1233?1235.

Margulis, L. 1971a. The origin of plant and animal cells. American Scientific 59:230?235.

Margulis, L. 1971b. Origin of Eukaryotic Cells. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.

Hitchcock, A.S. 1971. Manual of Grasses of the United States. Dover Publications, New York, NY.

Walker, T.B. 1994. A biblical geologic model. In Walsh, R.E. (editor), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Creationism (technical symposium sessions), pp. 581-592. Creation Science Fellowship, Pittsburgh, PA.

7. Tables. All tables cited in the text should be individually placed in numerical order following the reference section, and not embedded in the text. Each table should have a header statement that serves as a title for that table (see a current issue of the Quarterly for specific examples). Use tabs, rather than multiple spaces, in aligning columns within a table. Tables should be composed with 14-point type to insure proper appearance in the columns of the CRSQ.

8. Figures. All figures cited in the text should be individually placed in numerical order, and placed after the tables. Do not embed figures in the text. Each figure should contain a legend that provides sufficient description to enable the reader to understand the basic concepts of the figure without needing to refer to the text. Legends should be on a separate page from the figure. All figures and drawings should be of high quality (hand-drawn illustrations and lettering should be professionally done). Patterns, not shading, should be used to distinguish areas within graphs or other figures. Unacceptable illustrations will result in delay of publication or possible rejection of the manuscript. Authors are also strongly encouraged to submit an electronic version (.cdr, .cpt, .gif, .jpg, and .tif formats) of all figures in individual files that are separate from the electronic file containing the text and tables. PowerPoint generated illustrations usually do not have adequate resolution for print publication. 

Special Sections

Letters to the Editor: Submission of letters regarding topics relevant to the society or creation science is encouraged. Submission of letters commenting upon articles published in the Quarterly will be published two issues after the article’s original publication date. Authors will be given an opportunity for a concurrent response. No further letters referring to a specific Quarterly article will be published. Following this period, individuals who desire to write additional responses/comments (particularly critical comments) regarding a specific Quarterly article are encouraged to submit their own articles to the Quarterly for review and publication.

Editors Forum: Occasionally, the editor will invite individuals to submit differing opinions on specific topics relevant to the Quarterly. Each author will have opportunity to present a position paper (1500 words), and one response (1000 words) to the differing position paper. In all matters, the editor will have final and complete editorial control. Topics for these forums will be solely at the editor’s discretion, but suggestions of topics are welcome.

Book Reviews: All book reviews should be submitted to the book review editor, who will determine the acceptability of each submitted review. Book reviews should be limited to 1000 words. Following the style of reviews printed in this issue, all book reviews should contain the following information: book title, author, publisher, publication date, number of pages, and retail cost. Reviews should endeavor to present the salient points of the book that are relevant to the issues of creation/evolution. Typically, such points are accompanied by the reviewer’s analysis of the books content, clarity, and relevance to the creation issue.

Submit electronic versions of book reviews to:

Mary Beth De Repentigny CRSQ Book Review Editor

Submit electronic versions of manuscripts to:

Dr. Tim Clarey, CRSQ Editor

CRSQ Author Tips

In an interview with CRSQ editor, Dr. Tim Clarey describes the submission, peer-review, and editing processes. Dr.Clarey also explains how the CRSQ review process mitigates bias by focusing on if the conclusions are based on data or speculation. He even went so far as to say that he hasn't completely agreed with some of the conclusions of some of the geology papers (his area of study), but has passed them through because of the quality of the data.