Conference Abstract Submission Instructions


An abstract should introduce the relationship of the research to questions of origin and/or biblical creation.  It should discuss the research methods used and the results obtained.  It should finish with conclusions about the significance of the research to a creation model.  All abstracts should be submitted through the form below (available January 1st, 2025).  Each submitted abstract should list all authors and their contact email information. Please designate which author will be the presenter at the conference. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.  Each abstract should also be sponsored or presented by a voting member of the Creation Research Society.  This sponsorship can be either as an author or as a non-author sponsor (which should be stated in the submitted abstract). Each abstract author is limited to two presentations at the conference (but can be a co-author on additional abstracts).

All abstracts must be submitted by April 15, 2025, after which abstracts will be reviewed for content, quality, and originality. Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstract for presentation at the conference.  It is expected that all presentations will be delivered using PowerPoint or other electronic digital visual aids and that all presenters will comply with time restrictions (including time for Q/A).

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How to Write a Scientific Abstract