An Analysis Of Darwin's Natural Selection - Artificial Selection Analogy
It is pointed out that Darwin based his case very much on an alleged analogy between the facts that in nature some creatures have more offspring than others, and that a breeder arranges for creatures of the kind which he wants to have more offspring. In other words, he drew an analogy between the alleged natural selection, and selection as practiced by a breeder. However, the two cases are quite different in many respects, and there is no true analogy. Hence Darwin's arguments prove nothing.
Two contrasting world-views, Creationism and uniformitarianism, have long been opposed one to the other. More recently a third opinion, which might be called secular catastrophism, has gained many adherents. An attempt is made here to investigate how these three world-views differ, and in so doing to draw some distinction whch may be helpful in discussing the matter.
The use of radiometric dating in Geology involves a very selective acceptance of data. Discrepant dates, attributed to open systems, may instead be evidence against the validity of radiometric dating. A systematic and critical review of dating applications is presented; emphasis being placed on the geologic column. Over 300 serious discrepancies are tabulated. It is, however, demonstrated that most discrepant results are not published. Discrepant dates capriciously relate to petrography and regional geology. Neither internal consistencies, minereal-pair concordances, nor agreements between different radiometric dating methods necessarily validate radiometric dating. The large spread of values for igneous and metamorphic rocks (especially of the Precambrian) may indicate artificial imposition of time-values upon these rocks.
It is suggested that the story of Atlantis, about which there has been so much speculation, may have originated in a tradition of the Flood which still existed in Egypt in Plato's time.
Fluctuations are examined as a possible mechanism for molecules-to-man evolution. Dissipative structures offer promise as good models for certain existing nonequilibrium systems, but fail as proper models for origins. Often they are used as tools to avoid, in theory, the consequences of degeneration processes. The major problem with the evolutionary hypothesis is the lack of an explanation of how the universe moved out of the initial equilibrium condition. The use of fluctuations to accomplish the task appears unrealistic. Creation of the original order is a sensible alternative.
Lyell's book had also something to say about biology; and his views on that subject are investigated here. It turns out that he was not much of a Darwinian as is often supposed; in fact, his doctrine was more like the one now commonly called Progressive Creation. Creationists who have not read the work may be surprised to find that some of his arguments and illustrations may still be useful to them.