CRSQ 1993 Volume 30, Number 1


Adapted or Preadapted: A Clinical Perspective

P. V. Vorpahl, D.V.M.

The examination of more than seven years of veterinary medical records indicates that the environment is overtly antagonistic to the species with which it interacts. Preadaptation to the environment rather than adaptation would seem more consistent with survival, even within the narrowly defined niche of domestication.

The Role of Stellar Population Types in the Discussion of Stellar Evolution

Danny R. Faulkner, Ph.D.

Stars can be grouped into two general types called population I and population II. The criteria for classification include space velocity, location in the galaxy, composition, differences in distribution on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, integrated color, and the presence of nearby dust and gas. The current evolutionary theory of stellar evolution and galaxy formation succeeds in giving a qualitative explanation for the population types. In establishing a creation model of stellar (and galactic) astronomy, it is important to keep in mind the two different populations.If an alternate model is to be taken seriously, then the observed population types should be explained in a very plausible fashion.

Evolutionism: An Oxymoron

E. J. Hoffman, Ph.D.

The concept of evolutionism--creation by evolution--is an illusion of the intellect and an exercise in illogic. It is a fundamental contradiction, an oxymoron. For creation means genesis from nothing, from nothingness, from the void, whereas evolution means that there must be a starting point, a point of reference or point of departure, from something. This paper attempts to expose this logical contradiction.

The History of Hesperopithicus Haroldcookii Hominoidea

Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.

The discovery and controversy surrounding Hesperopithecus haroldcookii and its importance in proving evolution is recounted. An extensive review of the statements of its supporters reveals the role that preconceptions played in interpreting the evidence. The account provides an important lesson today for the need of neutral observers to carefully evaluate the empirical evidence for new ideas, especially those that are related to the field of origins.

Additional Information on the Freiberg Human Skull Composed of Coal

Wayne Friar, Ph.D.

Information available on the Freiberg East German skull is summarized. There is no evidence that this artifact contains fossil bone. The skull is not a fossilized human head; nor is it a carving. It was molded by somebody using particles of brown coal and other materials probably prior to the summer of 1813. Therefore it has little or no significance in creation/evolution considerations. There even is a suggestion that it was a late eighteenth or early nineteenth century hoax sculptured as "evidence" that humans existed before the Genesis Flood.

Comment on the Breached Dam Theory for the Formation of the Grand Canyon

Michael J. Oard, M.S.

A post-Flood breached dam theory for the formation of the Grand Canyon requires greater amounts of precipitation than at present. This requirement is likely met by a rapid Ice Age model following the Flood. Although the dam breach theory may be correct, at least five geological problems challenge its validity.

Fossil Wood of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas: Part I -- Geologic Setting

Emmett L. Williams, Ph.D. and George F. Howe, Ph.D.

Fossil wood was collected from the Dawson Creek area of Big Bend National Park with the intent of performing certain chemical tests on the material. The geologic formations in which the wood was found are described in this part of the report. A model based on the flood is offered for the origin of these formations. The importance of bentonite in the preservation of the silicified wood is discussed. Applications to a catastrophic model are suggested throughout the paper.



The History Of Hesperopithecus Haroldcookii Hominoidea Fossil Wood Of Big Bend National Park Evolutionism An Oxymoron Formation Of The Grand Canyon Freiberg Human Skull Composed Of Coal The Role Of Stellar Population Types