CRSQ 2024 Volume 61, Number 1


Trinitarian Design in Nature: Step One in Creationeering®

M.F. Horstemeyer, T. Temple

A multiscale hierarchical structural analysis of the universe employing an Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) methodology reveals that a trinitarian design occurs in nature that is premised upon Romans 1:20 wherein God revealed His nature in the things that He created. The first step in the creationeering® process includes systems engineering design that downscales to the lowest-length scales. We show that the universe can be viewed into multiple length scales of distinctive design volumes in which certain designed volumes illustrate a trinity. In particular, the lowest-length scales defined in nature as subatomic or atomic particles reflect the divine “substance” that makes the Godhead one and the higher-length scale, geometric forms differentiate the hylomorphic structures between the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. Since God is a trinity, we would expect that He would have revealed it in nature based on Romans 1:20 (NKJV)—For since the creation of the world His in- visible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead. We validate this premise of God being a trinity and that He demonstrated this idea in nature as 57 different trinities are quantified.


The Belt Supergroup Is Likely from the Early Flood:
Evidence for Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks from the Flood

Michael J. Oard

The Belt Supergroup represents one of the thickest sections of Precambrian sedimentary rocks in world. It contains rare features, such as molar-tooth structures, syneresis cracks, and “stromatolites.” The rocks were deposited in an intracratonic basin thought to be at least 25 km deep, which could have originated as an impact crater. It is conventionally dated as Mesoproterozoic, about 1.4 Ga. Correlation of formations across the Belt Basin is difficult. The sediment originated predominantly from the west, but since there is no obvious source to the west today, there is much speculation on the land mass that once existed to the west. The place of the Belt Supergroup within Biblical Earth history points to the Flood, especially given the generally conformable contact between the Belt rocks and the overlying Cambrian Flathead Sandstone, a universally accepted Flood rock. Thus, the Belt rocks likely were deposited very early in the Flood. Some of the Belt rocks imply tremendous catastrophism very early in the Flood.


Sternberg’s Law Statistical Study of Surficial Gravels in North Central Montana—
Part I: Methods and Findings

Peter Klevberg


In the 150 years since Sternberg’s Law of downstream fining was published, causes and complications have proliferated with research in many fluvial environments. The basic relationship is a first-order differential equation expressing an energy relationship, and the geologic causes and effects that fall under its umbrella are diverse. Grain size distributions of sands provide indications of modes of deposition, but gravels do not. However, while competence is seldom a limiting factor for sands, it is for gravels. The study area includes the low-relief Great Plains and the high relief of the Rocky Mountains. Island mountain ranges complicate this somewhat, but stream courses are sufficiently simple for Sternberg’s Law. Most of the study area exhibits features generally believed to have resulted from Ice-Age glaciation. Catastrophic evidence in the form of planation surfaces is also present. Thus channelized flow, transport by ice, and sheet flow are all candidate processes for transport of gravel. Predictions of
grain size distributions from these processes are compared with results from statistical analysis of 5,839 sieve analysis reports. The results indicate a complex history for the surficial gravel deposits.


Has God Said?

Michael A. Harbin

The question of how God works is one which many struggle with. While this is especially true in the case of the issue of creation with respect to Genesis 1, it really is a broader issue relating to any intervention of God into the physical realm, especially with regard to human affairs. While readers of this journal generally assume that God can intervene in the space-time continuum, this study begins with a reminder of why the Christian view is that He can. It observes that these interventions are given a generic name of ‘miracles,’ and then reviews the nature of miracles focusing on examples of Biblical descriptions of events that are presented specifically as miracles by the Biblical author. This is followed by an evaluation of the terminology used in Genesis 1 to describe the original creation event and why Biblically speaking
it must be viewed as miraculous.


Groundwork for Creation Cosmology Part I: 


Andrew Repp

Today’s rich cosmological data sets require integration into a Biblical framework. The light-travel time issue is the most obvious difficulty involved, but it is by no means the only one. This article seeks to lay the groundwork for such integration by considering three Scripture passages: Hebrews 11:1–3; 2 Peter 3:5–7; and Romans 8:18–23. It notes that an accurate understanding of origins requires explicit inclusion of supraprovidential (i.e., miraculous) action, but that we should limit such action to what the Genesis record specifically warrants. It further suggests that in cosmology we can restrict this supraprovidential action to the Creation Week; that is, miraculous events connected with the Deluge did not affect the Universe as a whole. Finally, it suggests that there is no warrant for assuming that the physical effects of the Fall included changes in the actual laws of physics themselves.





Trinitarian Design in Nature: Step One in Creationeering®(Open Access) The Belt Supergroup Is Likely from the Early Flood: Evidence for Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks from the Flood Sternberg’s Law Statistical Study of Surficial Gravels Part I: Methods and Findings in North Central Montana Has God Said? Groundwork for Creation Cosmology Part I: Scripture

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