Evolution is Modern-Day Alchemy
Most everyone has heard that evolution is a process for how one species can change into another species, but have you ever wondered where the philosophy behind evolution came from? People will tell you that Charles Darwin is “the Father of Evolution,” but he never saw a single example of one species changing into another, and he did not learn it from books or in a biology class. Where did Darwin get the idea of species-to-species change? Typically, when something changes or undergoes a mutation, it is only the appearance that changes, but Darwin’s proposed evolution, also changed the form of the species. Although this may sound like a new idea, this idea of something changing into something else is not a new idea. Ever since the beginning of creation, man has studied nature, and proposed explanations for how nature’s processes work. This search to explain and understand nature was part of the Dominion Mandate given to Adam by God (Genesis 1:28). Adam and his descendants were commanded to have dominion over God’s creatures, but somewhere along the way, man’s study of nature was no longer to glorify God, for it had now became a search for wealth, enlightenment, and peacefulness apart from God. It was “this search” that became known as alchemy. Alchemy is said to be the beginnings of chemistry, but the Dominion Mandate given to Adam is the true beginning of the sciences, including chemistry.
Although alchemy is said to be the beginnings of chemistry, it was never the beginning of the science we call chemistry today. Contrary to what many people believe, alchemy is not a science, and it never was a method of study. Although modern chemistry is said to have its roots in alchemy, the scientific method as we know it today was never part of alchemy. Today’s modern chemistry, even without the scientific method, is still very different than what alchemy ever was! Alchemy was a philosophy of nature practiced throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and China (Pereira, 2018). Historically, the defining objectives of alchemy include the “search” for the fabled philosopher’s stone, and the benefits that stone could provide to mankind. Although the fabled philosopher’s stone was never found, it was the “search” for this alleged philosopher’s tone that led to many chemical discoveries and technologies, and some of those technologies are still in practice today. Historically, it would be many centuries after the discoveries of alchemy before today’s scientific method would be put into practice.
The philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance thought to be capable of transforming base metals into more valuable gold or silver. The philosopher’s stone was also believed to be a substance that, when mixed with wine or water, was a cure for disease: an elixir useful for rejuvenation and healing, and one capable of prolonging life to achieve immortality. Some alchemical writers claim that its history goes back to Adam, who acquired the knowledge of the stone directly from God, and others even claim that the stone is what gave the pre-Flood patriarchs their longevity (Patai, 2014). Evolution is Modern-Day Alchemy The legend of the stone has also been falsely compared to the Biblical history of the Temple of Solomon and the rejected cornerstone described in Psalm 118:22 (Salomon, 1743) and Isaiah 28:16.
The concept of the philosopher’s stone can be traced back to Greek philosophy, where according to Plato, the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water are derived from a common source or prima materia (first matter), associated with chaos. Prima materia is also the name alchemists assign to the starting ingredient for the creation of the philosopher’s stone. The search for this “first matter” persisted throughout the history of alchemy. For many centuries, the search for the philosopher’s stone was the most sought-after goal in alchemy.
A Doxological View of Grasses, with Special Attention to Matthew 6:28–30 and Luke 12:27–28
Each blade of grass is a soil-rooted witness, giving evidentiary proof of God’s Creatorship (Sherwin, 2005). Furthermore, each blade of grass is a growing doxology, directing us to worship the LORD.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:11–12)
Recently Mike Matthews, of Answers in Genesis (and Editor-in-chief of Answers magazine), observed the following truth about grasses, calling them “green factories”:
These [grasses] are God’s creation. They perform a fundamental biological process—photosynthesis— that still astounds scientists. The thousands of chemical equations [that describe the grass-housed photosynthesis process] would fill a wall. Yet every day, these green factories churn out the sustenance of life. They remind me that a lowly sinner like me can glorify my Maker and Life-giver, who gave His life for me. (Matthews, 2016)
Now that is sound science! That is meaningful analysis of what grasses are really here for, revealing details of God’s immeasurably creative glory, simultaneously with recognizing the value of His bioengineering providence.