CRSnet Quick Reference

The Creation Research Society sponsors CRSnet, an online community of CRS members who have email access to the Internet. The main feature of CRSnet is the private, automated emailing list in which current topics dealing with young-earth creation are discussed. If you would like to be included in CRSnet, let us know by returning the information requested below. You should be forewarned that the mailing list frequently generates a LOT of email.

Participants also, from time to time, receive news about the CRS; its research, publications, and activities; and other creation-related news.

Click here for Rules for CRSnet participation.

Click here for the CRSnet “Quick Reference Guide”.
NOTE: *The CRS maintains the privacy of your name and contact information. However, if you choose to participate in the CRSnet email discussion forum, you will be making your name and email address available to other CRS-member participants. Please contact the membership secretary if you are a graduate student who needs to use a pseudonym for the discussion group. You may use any email address for CRSnet.


If you wish to enroll in CRSnet, please copy and paste items 1-8 below into an email message to Providing this biographical information will allow us to introduce you to other participants.

1) NAME: First, Middle initial, Last
2) AFFILIATION: Employer or occupation
3) EMAIL: Email address
4) PERSONAL WEB SITE: personal only
5) SNAIL MAIL: Regular mailing address
6) CRS MEMBER: Member status*
7) DEGREE / DISCIPLINE: Highest degree
8) INTERESTS: Other academic and/or personal interests
*Member status: VOT=voting; SUS=sustaining; STU=student

Upon approval, we will send you a list of rules and regulations for participation. One of the “ground rules” we have established is that the names and affiliations of the participants MUST NOT be released outside of the group without their permission. Similarly, CRSnet posts cannot be published or reposted to other discussion groups without the permission of the author(s).